All These Liberations
Women Artists in the Eileen Harris Norton Collection

In order to honor and celebrate the diversity of the artists in the collection, the design of All These Liberations: Women Artists in the Eileen Harris Norton Collection centers a pluriversal approach through the weaving of familial typographic voices, symbolic bold colors, and the personal rhythm of the spreads. The typographic expression comes with the weaving of Voyage, Odile, and Elido, all three of which have been designed by women. Voyage is a romantic, curvy, and ornamental typeface that delicately makes its presence known. Odile and Elido are sister typefaces, providing a balance of serif and sans serif harmony by responding to each other’s weight distribution. The complex magenta, Eileen’s favorite color, is used throughout the publication to (re)claim and (re)center womxn’s voices. The cover features a dust jacket that acts as an invitation for the reader to (re)flect on the multilayered and multifaceted works that the womxn artists in this publication embody; only until it’s uncovered can you really reveal what’s underneath. The intention of the design is to explore and express the struggles womxn have faced in their fight for freedom through political, social, and personal narratives through a diasporic lens.