Frederick Fisher & Partners

Polymode redesigned the Frederick Fisher and Partners website, which gives ample space for their projects to live in; from hand sketches, and renderings, to images of the built architecture.

The website’s infrastructure allows for a cinematic experience of architectural projects, holding space for panoramic drone videos, and evolving the studio’s visual identity. The flexible, varied web grid is designed to accommodate a wide range of content without any feeling of repetition, while still allowing for consistent information and simple navigation.

Frederick Fisher and Partners is passionate about creating spaces at the intersection of art, education, and community building with a heavy focus on the design process.

Poetic Research

Building the Digital Infrastructure

The images shown below reflect the poetic research phase for the Frederick Fisher & Partner website, gathering inspiration from other architectural websites, materials, and color found in our environment. Due to the highly complex architectural infrastructure of the site, we created a blueprint of the interactions and user experiences that flows with intuition. There’s a heavy emphasis on textures at FF&P, which we gathered inspiration from to use as a way to connect the digital and physical experiences.