Lucy Bull
Selected Works 2019–2022

Lucy Bull: Selected Works 2019–2022 features a selection of Bull’s recent paintings during the generative years of 2019-2022. We designed the Swiss bound catalog to be an extension of the beauty, fluidity and play within her work. With it’s six gatefolds, the paintings are seen in all their vibrance and detail.

Drawing directly from the psychedelic nature of Lucy’s work, Polymode created a wordmark that’s placed in metallic silver on the front cover and title page. The front cover features a Day-Glo bluegreen woven cloth referencing the color and material of Bull’s canvases with a corollary peach on the book block. The inset image on the cover explodes into an immersive detail on the inside front cover letting you get up close to the rich color and layered mark making of the artist’s work. The typeface, Glassure, is also used in the title treatment of the essay and interview creating a cohesive and elegant reading experience.


Typeface: Kessler and Glassure